Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making Your Teaching Life Easier

For my professional reading, I chose the book Reading Essentials: The Specifics You Need to Teach Reading Well by Regie Routman. I love this book and would recommend it for every teacher (new and/or experienced). This book is really easy to read and Routman did a great job of giving ideas that could easily be adapted for my classroom. 

This chapter began with a discussion between the author and another teacher. When the author asked the teacher how her year was going, the other teacher replied, “I’m overwhelmed. I've got too much to cover and never enough time to do it.” I can relate to how this teacher feels. I constantly feel that I too am “juggling” and that I struggling to keep all the “balls” aloft. I am excited to read this book because I feel that I will gain strategies to make teaching easier and more enjoyable, as the author says in the text. 

The author is a former teacher of 30 years, and her official title is a visiting literacy teacher. Her goal is to consult with teachers and help them to reflect on their teaching practices. She believes that there isn't a perfect package- not one curriculum meets the needs of all students. Thus, she thinks that the teacher in the classroom and are the professionals. As the professionals who know the students best, it is their judgment that will drive the direction of the lessons. Only a professional that knows the students personally can find what motivates them and use it to plan for their instruction.

She believes what matters most is the following:
  • Inspiring ongoing curiosity and a love of learning
  • Acquiring the skills and tools to learn and go on learning
  • Guaranteeing immediate and continued success
  • Ensuring that learners become thinking, problem users of language
  • Implementing challenging and relevant curriculum.
  • Establishing and sustaining collaborative and caring communities

   She says that teachers tend to complicate their own teaching lives and that our goals should be to provide nurturing, exciting, and safe places for students.

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