Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shared Reading

"In shared reading, a learner- or group of learners-sees the text, observes an expert (usually the teacher) reading it with fluency and expression, and is invited to read along." -Regie Routman

In my Kindergarten classroom, we do shared reading every day.  During this special time, my students sit on our classroom rug and listen to a new or familiar story. As I read a story or poem I am modeling what good readers do. I am demonstrating what I’m thinking, showing them how to figure out new words, helping them to ask questions and make predictions. I also show them how fluent readers sound, help them to make connections, and explain how to read different kinds of texts (fiction and non-fiction).

My students love shared reading because they get to listen to stories and talk about the text. Though group/partner discussions, students get to bond with their classmates and improve their reading comprehension. 

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