Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Optimal Learning Model

Routman encourages teachers to use The Optimal Learning Model when planning for all instruction. This model has four components which are integrated throughout each lesson:  demonstration, shared demonstration, guided practice, and independent practice.

Demonstration is when we show students how to do something by modeling or explaining. This is when we are reading to students and explicitly and intentionally showing them our thinking, strategies, fluency, and his/ her love for reading or the activity.

Shared Demonstration
is when the teacher encourages students to participate in the activity. The teacher observes what the students can do and makes modifications, however, students are not expected to master the activity. Students work with partners, a small group, or whole class while the teacher provides feedback.

Guided Practice is when the students are now in charge of their learning and are expected to apply what they were taught. Making mistakes are normal.

Independent Practice is when the learner is able to be successful with little help. They are now able to use what they know and can problem solve on their own. If there is intervention, it is to move the student(s) to the next level. I noticed that I already use many aspects of this model in my instruction, especially when teaching Mathematics.  I plan to add the four components to my lesson plans.

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